Monday, April 30, 2007

How Do You Know If You Have Found The Right Person?

What is love? Is it something you can feel? How do people know if they have found the person they could spend the rest of their lives with? It would be easier to know if we've found this person if we could know what love is.

Initially when we meet someone we like there is probably something physical attracting us. We may feel attracted. Then if all goes well - you go out, have a good time, and find you want to spend more time with one another - you may begin to have more feelings for one another. But is this love? Time is the answer to all of these questions and the tester of the relationship.

Keep sex out of the mix. When sex becomes part of the equation things become confusing fairly quickly. Sex is a strong and powerful gift that should only be used in marriage to become more intimate - more intimate than you could without it. Outside of marriage it only serves to destroy any chance of truly knowing if you have love for someone or, if they have love for you.

Roses For You Sweetheart ! Roses For You Sweetheart !
Send these beautiful Roses to your sweetheart/ loved one and say 'I Love You'.
[ Flash Ecard ]

Touched Me Deep Inside ! Touched Me Deep Inside !
A sensuous and beautiful Rose to express yourself to your sweetheart/ girlfriend/ boyfriend/ spouse.
[ Flash Ecard ]

If your relationship is based on sex you are on an unstable foundation. If your feelings change so will your desire to have sex, so will your so called feelings of love with this person and, the same is true for them. Sex only works if love is the foundation of a marriage relationship.

Feelings change and this makes it an unstable foundation for a relationship as well. A lot of times feelings change when the bliss of sex has worn off or, the things you can't stand about the other person surfaces with more frequency. Sex will cause you to look past the things you can’t really live with in another person. And when sex fails to work for you, all you have left are all those things that irritate you about your partner.

So what is love? If you can keep sex from coming into the picture the time you spend together can help you find out if you can love the person you're seeing. You will learn what their values are. You will learn what makes them tick and what drives them. You will find out if you could love them through the time you spend together.

The Best Place In The World... The Best Place In The World...
A romantic message for your beloved.

Always On My Mind ! Always On My Mind !
Say 'I Love You' to your beloved with this romantic ecard and express yourself.
[ Flash Ecard ]

What are the interests you share? What things are you passionate about together? Are there things that get on your nerves - drive you crazy? Can you live with those things? Are you driven by the same things they are driven by? Do all these interests that you both share cause you to draw closer or, do they make you want to spend less time together? If after you have seen all there is to see in a person and you are still drawn then you are ready - Ready for what? -To make a decision.

Love is not a feeling or an attraction. It is a decision. In all the things you learn about one another you must weigh whether or not you can live with those things. Are the traits in this person the traits you are looking for in a mate? Do their flaws turn you off to the point that you will choose not to love at some point? Is there enough in them that you like and admire for you to make a decision to love them for the rest of your life? See, love is a verb. It is an action word. It is something you decide to do. It is something you make a commitment to do in good times and bad. In other words you are deciding after everything that you have seen that you can still love the person inside.

A Bond That's Forever... A Bond That's Forever...
A beautiful romantic ecard for your 'Forever Love'.
[ Flash Ecard ]

For Someone Special ! For Someone Special !
Let your sweetheart/ beloved know how he/ she makes you fe

From the bible here is a description of love:

(4)Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud (5) or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. (6)It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. (7)Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (8)Love will last forever..(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

On line dating and free relationship advice - is a web site discussing various methods of on line dating and finding, judging, and using free relationship advice. Also reviews of many on line dating sites.

Article Source: Have you found the right person?


posted by Jenni at 4:48 AM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:
Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Am In Love with You Flash Ecards

posted by Jenni at 4:40 AM, | 1 comments Bookmark This Post:
Monday, April 23, 2007

How Men and Women Differ In Showing Love

Men and women have struggled throughout history to understand one another, and sex is certainly no exception. Assuming the males you reference do not pursue sex merely for their own gratification but genuinely care about the woman's feelings, there are several likely explanations for their behavior.

Generally speaking, men are socialized to be thinkers and doers, focused on problem-solving and action. Women, on the other hand, are likely to be feelers and talkers, focused on care-giving and relating. From the outset, their aims and their expectations are different. When women are hurt and in need of comfort, they usually want verbal reassurance: "I'm sorry you're having a tough time," "Tell me how you feel," "I'm here for you," which provide a sense of caring and validation. If they want to be touched, it is more likely a hug than a passionate kiss they seek.

Anger triggers feelings of rejection, and alienation. Women may want to talk about the problem in an effort to heal the rift or they may withdraw in silence. When the emotional gulf is strong, most females are not responsive to touch, at least not until some gesture toward reconciliation occurs.

When unsettling emotions disrupt the comfortable equilibrium of the relationship, most males move rapidly into problem-solving mode. They attempt to tackle the source of the feelings ("the problem") and to fix it, with the intent of easing the female's distress and restoring equanimity in the relationship. Should their attempts prove unsuccessful, because the real problem may be a relationship issue, a personal criticism, or some other factor that prohibits immediate resolution, they reach out to connect in the way that they know best, which is to make love (not talk love). Lovemaking represents something that they can do, reassuring themselves of their competence and their partners of their caring. Since sex provides both distraction from the problem and a positive change of mood (at least for most men), it seems to them a valid option.

The next time your man wants to make love when you are upset, hurt or angry, acknowledge his attempts to reach out to you, recognize that "just listening" may not seen enough to him (after all, what can one accomplish just by listening and doing nothing!) and gently let him know what you want instead. Show him how good it can feel just to be held, teach him what most women already know: that touch involves much more than sex. If men and women will make a greater effort to understand each other's perspective, to avoid generalizing and stereotyping and to be more sensitive to their different ways of connecting, they can find a way to bridge the gap that has separated them.


posted by Jenni at 10:33 PM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Love You Forever Ecards and Postcards

posted by Jenni at 12:00 AM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ways to tell If Love is For Real

Everlasting Love: How Do You Know If It's for Real?
By Coulson Duerksen

Your heart races every time he calls and your palms sweat whenever he's near. You think he may be "the one." But how do you know if this is the real thing?

Dennis Neder, author of Being a Man in a Woman's World (Remington Publications, 2000), says love has three stages: the infatuation stage, the bonding stage and the familiar stage. Dr. Neder, an ordained minister and doctor of metaphysics, says it helps to consider all three stages when determining if you have the real thing.

The infatuation stage is when you can't wait to be with the other person. This is the romantic stage of love, says Dr. Neder, who warns that this is the stage when people thinks it's "the real thing." But this stage lasts only a short time.

The second stage, says Dr. Neder, is the bonding stage. During this stage you get to know the other person and you start planning aspects of your life around them. If you continue through this stage you eventually enter the third stage, or what Dr. Neder calls "the familiar phase."

In the familiar stage you've established a pattern that involves the other person. "Your lives become intertwined and merged," Dr. Neder says. "You know foundationally how the other person feels about almost everything. And interestingly," says Dr. Neder, "you also become refocused on your own life, direction and goals." Dr. Neder says this is where most professionals believe "real love" starts.

Nine Ways to Tell if Your Love Is Real

1. You feel good. A good relationship makes you feel good about yourself.

2. You look forward to spending time with your partner. You don't need to be with other people or go to events to avoid being alone together. You enjoy spending quality time together even when it's quiet.

3. You respect your partner. You hear yourself bragging about your partner. You say things like: "My husband is a really talented singer-songwriter." If you find that you're always talking about yourself, you're not focused on your partner or the relationship.

4. You're interested in what your partner thinks. You ask your partner's opinion about issues that are important to you. It's OK if he or she disagrees with you.

5. You accept your partner's quirks. Everyone has them. Even you! If your partner's quirks are endearing or tolerable, you're in good shape. If they really bother you, you should look more closely at the relationship.

6. You're able to work through your problems. It's natural to have some bumps in the relationship road to true bliss. People in healthy relationships see disagreements as a chance to learn more about their partner. However, if you're creating problems, or if you think every fight is the "big one" leading to a breakup, you should probably rethink your relationship.

7. You feel safe. You're not afraid of losing your partner.

8. You can't explain why you're together. Many people coordinate their lives so that they have to be together. But ask yourself if you're together because you truly want to be. If the answer is "yes," then you'll probably stay together. If it's "no," you're bound to have problems — if you haven't already.

9. You don't compare your partner to others. There will always be someone more beautiful, smarter or more athletic than your partner, but you don't care because you only want to be with him or her


posted by Jenni at 11:59 PM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:

How to show how Much you Love?

How to show how Much you Love?

Drink to me only with thine eyes
And I will pledge with mine.
Or leave a kiss within the cup
And I will not ask for wine.

The thirst that from the soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink divine;
But might I of Jove's nectar sin,
I would not change for thine.
-- Benn Johnson

Poetry has always been the great idea to show love to your mate. It is since the time immemorial that some rhythmic and romantic words have been used to show how much love one has for his or her beloved ones. Besides, there are lots of ways that can add essence to this lovely mode of showing love to your mate. Love thrives well with the right blend of trust and mutual understanding. So it's nice to understand how much you trust each other.

* Tell your mate that you love him or her very much.
* Spend time together – sit together in a peaceful corner of a park or have strolls holding his or her hand
* Together you can go for camping
* Go for jogging together amidst the morning mist
* Together you can prepare your meal and have it together
* Remember that it is as important to be nice as it is nice to be important. So nicely show his or her importance in your life.
* Listen to his or her worries and share each other's secret.
* Together you can go for a short walk under the silvery moonlight.
* You have to be good friends and be faithful to the fullest extent.
* Lastly, present him or her occasional surprise gifts and special love greetings other than the special occasions like anniversaries and valentine's day.

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Togetherness is the secret to the success story and is the true criterion of beauty when it comes to how to show how much you love.


posted by Jenni at 2:18 AM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What Is Love ??

Love is What Love actually Is !!

Love is that emotional nexus of two souls that kindles the flame of profound togetherness within the soul. It is a social phenomenal behavior of the mortal beings and the psychologists have been burning their midnight oil researching on the issue for years. They say that love is composed of three distinctive factors – Commitment, Intimacy and Passion.

The very word “Love” refers to a deep, yet tender feeling of attraction shared by two distinct minds where a close interpersonal kinship is developed with an unique blend of the three components – Commitment, Intimacy and Passion.

While the Bible have delineated love to be The Lord Himself, it is a natural phenomenon by the virtue of which two souls tend to merge up together and enjoy the unbounded feeling of goodness and ecstatic joy.

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Send this Love eCard !

Love is polite
Love is a mutual trust
Love is commitment
Love is inspiration

Love is harmony and is the ultimate truth of the Universe. It is really difficult to sketch “Love” in words as it comes in a wide range of colors and shades. It comes stealthily and steadily from ones within with some inspirational tune of symphony that can never be heard but felt from the core of the heart.


posted by Jenni at 11:15 PM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post:
Monday, April 16, 2007

Welcome to Love ecards

welcome to Love ecards. Your best resource to all romance and love ecards of the planet


posted by Jenni at 10:07 PM, | 0 comments Bookmark This Post: